Immigration Fees

Your help from home to home
Initial Interview
We offer an initial diagnostic interview for a fixed fee of £150 plus VAT (if applicable) and the costs of an interpreter (if required). The meeting is for a maximum of 1 hour. At this meeting we will ascertain what your legal problem is, provide you with possible solutions and advise on the best strategy and estimate the cost and time it will take to resolve your problem
You can also use this appointment to check applications that you have prepared yourself or for a second opinion on your case. Based on the information that we have given you can then decide, whether you wish to proceed on your own or instruct us to do further work for you. If you require a detailed letter of advice following a diagnostic interview there will be an additional charge of £300 plus vat (if applicable).
Hourly Rate
We charge hourly rate for all complex or difficult cases including Appeals, Human Rights applications, Asylum applications, Fresh Claims for Asylum, Judicial Reviews, Bail and detained cases.
Our hourly rate range is £170.00- £230.00 per hour plus VAT (if applicable). The rate will depend on the complexity of the case and the urgency. We will discuss the rate with you at the initial appointment and provide you an estimate. Our fees exclude VAT, Home Office application fees, disbursements and expenses.
Expenses and who will carryout the work
Depending on your type of application, there may be additional expenses that you will be required to pay. This includes Home Office fee for the application, immigration health surcharge, fee for translating any document written in foreign language, fee for interpreter if you require one for interview or to communicate with us, immigration tribunal/court fees.
You may be able to use your relative or friend to interpret for you when you meet with us. If you have interview with the home office, they may not allow you to use a friend or family member as interpreter. The home office fee, immigration health surcharge, immigration tribunal/court fees are subject to change.
All services are provided by a team headed/supervised by a qualified solicitor with several years of experience and experienced Paralegals. All work by Paralegals are supervised.
Our fixed fee table
Application Type Fixed Fee Likely type of disbursements
Fiancé Visa
Civil Partnership Visa
Visa to join or accompany your unmarried UK partner
£1000 plus VAT
There will be no vat if you do not already live in the uk
Home Office Fee, Immigration Health Surcharge,
Transcription fee for any document not in English
Application for visa to remain in the UK as a partner of a settled person in the UK
Extension of your stay in the UK as a spouse or civil partner
Application for indefinite leave to remain as a spouse or civil partner
£1800 plus VAT (£2160)
Home Office Fee, Immigration Health Surcharge,
Transcription fee for any document not in English
Extension of stay in the UK as unmarried partner
Application for indefinite leave to remain as unmarried partner
Indefinite leave to remain as victim of domestic violence
Indefinite leave to remain as a bereaved partner or spouse
£2500 - £4,500 plus VAT (£3000 - £5,400)
Home Office Fee, Immigration Health Surcharge if applicable,
Transcription fee for any document not in English
Application for discretionary leave
Application for indefinite leave to remain as a partner/Spouse or parent of child settled in the UK​
£2500 plus VAT (£3000)
Home Office Fee, Immigration Health Surcharge,
Transcription fee for any document not in English
Application for pre-settled status as EEA national or family member in the UK
Application for Pre-settled Status as am extended family member of an EEA Citizen in the UK
Application for leave to remain as victim of domestic abuse
£500 plus vat (£600)
£300 plus vat (£360)
Transcription fee for any document not in English Language
Application for indefinite leave to remain (Long Residence)
Application for naturalisation as a British Citizen
£2500 plus vat (£3000)
Transcription fee for any document not in English Language. Home office Fee
​​Application for settled status as an extended family member of an EEA Citizen
Application for derivative residence card as a primary carer of a European Economic Area Citizen including a British Citizen
Application for settled status under EU retained rights
Application for settled status as EEA national or family member
£1500 plus VAT (£1800)
Transcription fee for any document not in English Language. Home Office Fee.
Application for further leave to remain as a married or civil partner
£1300 plus vat (£1560)
Transcription fee for any document not in English Language. Home Office Fee.
Application for entry clearance as a spouse or civil partner
Transcription fee for any document not in English Language. Home Office Fee.
Tier 4 student visa application in UK
Tier 4 Extension of student Visa in UK
Tier 4 Dependants visa application in UK
Tier 4 Dependants visa extension in UK
Tier 4 visa to enter the UK as a student (adult, Child)
£1000 plus VAT (£1200)
Transcription fee for any document not in English Language. Home Office Fee.
Highly skilled worker visa application
£2500 plus vat (£3000)
Transcription fee for any document not in English Language. Home Office Fee. Immigration Health surcharge where applicable
Registration as a British Citizen if previously given up
Registration of child born in the UK who has lived in the UK for 10 years as a British citizen
Registration as a British citizen if you were born in the UK before 1st January 1983
Registration as a British citizen by British subjects
Registration as a British Citizen on the basis of Crown or Similar services
Registration as a British Citizen as a British National Overseas Territories Citizen
Registration as a British citizen under the British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1997
Registration as a British citizen as a British National overseas territory with a connection with Gibraltar
Registration as a British Overseas Territories citizen if you had previously given up citizenship
Registration as a British citizen by a stateless person
£1800 plus VAT (£2160)
Transcription fee for any document not in English Language. Home Office Fee. Citizenship ceremony fee
Registration of a child as a British citizen​
£1000 plus VAT £1200)
Transcription fee for any document not in English Language. Home Office Fee. Citizenship ceremony fee
Application for visa to visit your family member in the UK
Application for general visitor visa
Application for visa for medical treatment
Transcription fee for any document not in English Language. Home Office Fee. Citizenship ceremony fee
Application for business visitor visa
Application for entertainment visitor visa
Application for prospective entrepreneur visitor visa
Application for sports visitor visa
Transcription fee for any document not in English Language. Home Office Fee.
Application for British Passport
Refugee Travel Document
Stateless Person Travel Document
Certificate of Travel
Application for one-way Travel Document
£400 plus VAT (£480)
Home Office Fee
What services are included in the quote
The work will involve:
discussing your circumstances in detail and confirming whether this is the most appropriate application for you to make and what other options may be available to you;
taking your instructions and giving you advice about the requirements of the Immigration Rules and whether you meet the criteria.
if you do not fulfil certain criteria, whether this can be overcome and how;
considering the supporting evidence/documents, you have provided;
where necessary, helping you obtain further evidence (such as medical records, bank statements, employer letter etc), including taking statements of any witnesses;
preparing your application/representations and supporting documents and submitting it on your behalf and responding to any inquiry on the application until it is decided;
giving you advice on the timelines for your application;
giving you advice about the outcome of the application and informing you of any further options available to you.
What is not included in the quote
The quote above does not include:
any Home Office fees applicable to your application;
Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) applicable to your application;
translation fees applicable to your application;
interpreter fees applicable to your application;
expert report fee applicable to your application;
advice and attending Home Office interview where required;
If your application is refused the quote above does not include any advice for an appeal or judicial review.
How long will your application take?
We cannot guarantee how long the home office will take to process your application. Please read the current processing time here We will normally be able to submit this type of application within 1 week of you instructing us and providing all required documents and fees, but we will let you know at the earliest opportunity if it is likely to take longer than this.